HI-FLEX is a flexible, fiberglass reinforced, waterbased acrylic, waterproof membrane system that is applied between the substrate/sub-floor and finished flooring such as tile, vinyl sheet goods, or carpet. HI-FLEX slows the vapor transmission of on-grade concrete slabs to an acceptable level so it will not affect the flooring installation. It is also designed to prevent damage by eliminating water seepage into rooms below, due to flooding, when used above-grade.
HI-FLEX is easily applied with simple hand tools that are cleaned with water. No special safety apparel or equipment is required because of its non-toxic, non-hazardous, odorless quality.
HI-FLEX has been tested in accordance with ASTM E96 for Water Vapor Transmission Rate(WVTR) and Waterproofness (LWPR). Results: WVTR @ 72 hours – 15.88 g/m 2 /day, 3.25 lbs/1000 ft 2 /day. @ 360 hours -15.76 g/m 2 / day, 3.23 lbs/1000 ft 2 /day. LWPR @ 72 hours – 41.44 g/m 2 / day, 8.49 lbs/1000 ft 2 /day – @ 360 hours – 20.32 g/m 2 /day, 4.16 lbs/1000 ft 2 /day.
HI-FLEX complies with the standards for V.O.C. (Volatile Organic Compounds) for State of California as required for Waterbased Acrylic Coating under E.P.A. guidelines. Can be used with thin set mortar. See the All Deck Instructions for repair and preparation of substrate prior to installation of HI-FLEX Membrane System. Site testing of slab in accordance with VPI calcium chloride dome test to determine vapor emission is recommended before applying HI-FLEX System. Use of a clear, penetrating, non-toxic, non-silicone, non-acrylic, water-based sealer in combination with the HI-FLEX System is suggested for on-grade slabs.
HI-FLEX will help keep down-time to a minimum because of the fast drying acrylic resins used. It will not cause a disruption of normal traffic flow in the surrounding areas during application.
HI-FLEX is ideal for shopping malls, restaurants, multi-level residential, commercial and industrial properties. Used extensively in markets, hospitals, laboratories, factories, kitchens & bathrooms at major malls. Used at locations such as: South Coast Plaza, Del Amo Plaza, and Edward’s Air Force Base.
HI-FLEX waterproof membrane consists of: (1) ALL DECK Laminating Resin applied over 3/4 oz. fiberglass mat, (2) HI-FLEX Resin. Coverage rates: ALL DECK Laminating Resin – 40-60 sq. ft. per gal. Fiberglass over entire surface. HI-FLEX Resin – 80-100 sq. ft. per gal.
Not recommended for use where high water table is present. Installation of a test sample to insure compatibility is advisable. DO NOT APPLY IF AIR OR GROUND TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 50 DEGREES Fahrenheit.
Although guaranteed to be chemically sound, HI-FLEX has no warranty.
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